Monday, February 2, 2015


 Pepper! It started out so joyful.. Pepper's owner won a prize of a Custom Dog from me.  Making someones pet is never taken lightly. I know from my own love for dogs our pets are family members.. each one is unique, special and so very important to our happiness.  After being in touch with Pepper's owner so we could arrange for the photos and possibly fur this time.. the next message had a different tone! Pepper had just been diagnoses with a aggressive serious cancer that was certain to take her life.  Sadly something I am very familiar with losing two of my own wonderful dogs to this terrible killer. This paused the process because there was grief and planning now it's suddenly a memorial piece. Unexpected yes but we moved on.  Fur came in the mail.. sweet smelling soft wonderful Pepper fur. My heart is touched as I stroke and prepare her fur. This time I had to use all her fur it was just how it had to be. Often it is a real struggle using the real dog fur.. had to be for Pepper.I study the photos and study that expression.. oh that Cocker Spaniel expression!  Getting closer to feeling Pepper I connected with her it seems. The piece to me was her.. I am a crazy dog lady everyone knows.  I accept that moniker I fell a connection to them... it is as if a part reaches out because this little soul is not done comforting her human. Below are pictures of Pepper and Pepper with her is my blessing to be honored with bringing back a bit of our loved animal.. they always leave us too soon.

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