Sunday, April 1, 2012


Ted in miniature and real life. The photo of the real Ted makes it pretty clear why I decided to make him on his back. Ted can find many seemingly awkward poses that are obviously quite comfy. Showing off his white chest he almost  looks like he is wearing a suite with a white shirt... this piece was made as soon as I got Teddy so I could take a representation of him with me to the Chicago show. Now he is two years old and  time for a larger miniature of him. I want to show the very expressive eyes he has. He may have to be posed with a wonderful new Barbie doll. Ted loves a lap in real life so of course his mini would be most comfortable on a lap as well. Just when does the line get drawn between Artwork and Play?  No denying what dogs have done for me my entire life... what a natural extension my sculptures are to what I have always loved more then anything Dogs!
My father would be so proud...thank you dad for never tiring of  " Dog talk " and giving me my passion for these animals that always give back more then they receive.


  1. Ted es muy gracioso, y usted lo ha reproducido muy bien. Felicidades.

  2. Yes Teresa Ted is quite funny... much to write about when it comes to him.
